Persistence Isn’t Futile

Tools for Keeping On

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Thanks to everyone who checked out my talk— I really appreciate it!

1.Week Template Calendar

Map out an idea, but realistic week for yourself. Update it with your commitments to make it easier to say “no” to things because you know what you’ve already committed to!

Get the Template Week Calendar Tool

Your secret tool to understand time and commitments with ADHD!

    With our combined strength, we can end this destructive procrastination, and bring order to your life!

    Yes, this form also joins my mailing list. 'Cause that's how tools on the internet work.

    No spam, unsubscribe at any time. I'll even be happy for you clearing your inbox. Promise.

    2. Project Planning Calendar Tool

    Map out your project in time and see deadlines before they’re due!

    Get the Conquer Calendar Planning Tool

    Your secret tool to finally planning a real project with ADHD!

      With our combined strength, we can end this destructive procrastination, and bring order to your life!

      Yes, this form also joins my mailing list. 'Cause that's how tools on the internet work.

      No spam, unsubscribe at any time. I'll even be happy for you. Promise.

      3. Gamify with Task Momentum Tally Sheet

      Give yourself credit for the micro steps on hard tasks.

      4. Personal Operations Manual

      What have you learned about yourself and your ADHD? Keep that all in the same place!


      Thanks for coming! If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out here