Podcast Appearance - Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast

Nikki and Pete were so gracious to have me on their podcast, Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast. It turns out that Pete is my long lost tech-brother, and they were both an absolute joy to talk to!

You can find the podcast episode here: https://takecontroladhd.com/podcast/2217

We talked a lot about productivity and tech with ADHD (I know, total shocker, coming from me). But we also talked a lot about setting our expectations for our devices, apps, and systems. We talked about tools used for planning, A lot of tech and a lot of productivity.

I also appeared on a video for their patrons with Pete, showing how to set up some automations that we use.

*Full confession, in the interest of normalizing, I was going in to post another podcast appearance and realized I’d never finished the Taking Control Podcast blogpost. I was so overloaded at the time with starting up The ADHD Guild that I just couldn’t finish. But my pals Nikki and Pete deserve better than that! So, better late than never, and expect another post shortly