Find your apps faster on iPhone

The problem: you're swiping through screens of haphazardly placed apps and taking too long to find the app you're actually looking for.

This is not only inefficient, you risk getting sidetracked by something shinier on the way to what you were actually trying to accomplish.

Use Siri or Spotlight Search to open the app by its name

This might sound overly simple, but it's a habit that can save a lot of mental energy and potential distraction over time.

Organize Your Apps

Take a few minutes to think about where you want to find your apps. What do you want your phone to look like?

A few strategies I've heard of folks using to organize their apps:

  • By type of app (or subject)
  • By time of day you typically use the app
  • By color
  • Keep most used apps on the first page
  • Keep the most used apps on the Dock
  • Keep it visually clear (use folders)
  • To minimize distractions
    • Can keep some hidden on the last page of apps